What You Have To Say!

From our assessors:
“We were absolutely delighted to hear that the Storrington Area Help Scheme is being awarded the KAVS and send our warmest congratulations to you and the entire team.
We were both so impressed with the organisation and the dedicated volunteers that provide such a vital service to the residents of the village.”
From our members (past and present)
“What wonderful news!! Everyone has worked so hard, whatever their role and it is a very special award!!! Although it is a little while since I stood down, I was thrilled to read your letter and feel proud that I was a (very small) part of it “.
“Thank you so much for all the work you do and to you and the trustees for getting this fantastic Kings Award. What better way to recognise the hard work that all the wonderful volunteers do! Congratulations to you and to everyone.”
“Firstly, fantastic news re the King’s Award! Congratulations to you and the team as I know everyone has worked so hard for it.”
“Hi, massive congratulations to one and all. What a wonderful achievement, well done.”
“Many thanks Alan and Tony for letting us know this wonderful news. Many congratulations to all. I am honoured to be a very small part of the scheme.”
“We wouldn’t be receiving this award unless someone had suggested SAHS as a contender. It’s very rewarding to be a volunteer driver for this scheme.”
“None of us is part of the scheme for recognition of course – I find the appreciation of the people we take satisfaction enough – but it is nonetheless a lovely accolade for all the hard work of so many in the scheme. “
“It was wonderful to receive such good news in your email and I’m sure everyone is as pleased as punch. I’m delighted that we’ll be having our own celebration and look forward to meeting up with everyone soon.”